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| ####### Introduction ###################################################### |

This version of RAV has only be throughly tested with Remote Access (yes, I
have also seen the light, and changed to Remote Access) but due to RA's and
QuickBBS' compatibility there should be no problem using it with QuickBBS as

When installed as a type 7 or type 15 menu item, RAV can be used by the users
(and the SysOp) to peek into archives of many flavours. The following archivers
is currently supported by RAV: ARC, ZIP, PAK, ZOO, LZH and DWC + their self-
extracting (SFX) equvivalents (EXE and COM).

RAV will also be able to handle ie. SDN files, because it'll test ANY file
to see if it's an archive (it is not only looking at the extensions)

It gives you and your users many functions with which you can view and extract
files from within any archive.

The maximum number of files RAV can handle is 300, which should be more than
enough to process any normal archive. Anything exceeding 300 will just not be
processed so you do not have to worry about run-time errors in this case.

To enable RAV to extract files from an archive, the appropriate archiver must
be accessable through your DOS PATH.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson